Creative Writing Assignments

English P140: Creative Writing
Instructor: Neal Blaikie
CRN 72392, Fall 2010, Room AC-118
Mondays & Wednesdays 5:15-6:40 p.m.
Office Hours after class & by appointment

Assignment Name - Date Assigned - Due Date
Final - 11/17/10 - 12/??/10
Animal Poem - 11/8/10 - 11/15/10
Exercise 5 (Chastity) - 10/25/10 - 10/27/10
Technical Reading Response #6 - 10/13/10 - 10/18/10
Imitation Poem - 10/13/10 - 10/18/10
Exercise 4 Part 3 - 10/4/10 - 10/13/10
Technical Reading Response #5 - 9/29/10 - 10/4/10
Exercise 4 pt.1&2 - 9/29/10 - 10/4/10
Exercise 3 Part 2: Re-edited - 9/22/10 - 9/27/10
Exercise 3: Part 2: Long & Short - 9/15/10 - 9/20/10
Exercise 3: Part 1: Long & Short - 9/13/10 - 9/15/10
Alice Munro's "Some Women" Response - 9/8/10 - 9/13/10
Exercise 2: No Punctuation - 9/1/10 - 9/6/10
Jess Row's "Sheep May Safely Graze" - 9/1/10 - 9/6/10
Ted Sanders' "Obit" Response - 8/30/10 - 9/1/10
Exercise 1: Being Gorgeous - 8/25/10 - 8/30/10

(Assignments from top to bottom: newest to oldest)

Flying bat in a marquee

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