English 50 Assignments

English 50
Jacinto Gardea Professor of English
ENGL P050 CRN 32356 Spring 2011 Monday & Wednesday 2:20-4:25 p.m.
Office Hours (SM-122B): Thursdays 1:00 --- 6:00 p.m. & by appointment
Phone: (559) 791-2340 email: teacheremail@portervillecollege.edu

Assignment Name \ Date Assigned \ Due Date

Death Penalty Paper Rough Draft - 4/13/11 - 4/27/11
Death Penalty Paper Body #2 - 4/11/11 - 4/27/11
Death Penalty Paper - Works Cited - 4/3/11 - 4/27/11
Death Penalty Paper - Body #1 - 4/6/11 - 4/11/11
Death Penalty Paper - Intro - 4/3/11 - 4/4/11
Sample Notes - 3/3/11 - 3/21/11
Article Summary #3 - 2/23/11 - 2/28/11
Article Summary #2 - 2/21/11 - 2/23/11
Article Summary - 2/9/11 - 2/14/11
4 Quotes - 1/31/11 - 2/2/11
12 Sentences - 1/24/11 - 1/26/11

(Assignments from top to bottom: newest to oldest)

Flying bat in a marquee

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