PERS Ch. 8,9,10 Questions

Chapter 8
What's Up?
1.) The difference is listening is more of a conscious effort to interpret the sounds, requiring concentration of mind. Hearing is the ability to sense sounds around us.
2.) Effective listening is hard because it requires complete and total concentration on the communication. Or, both ears at is explains.
3.) Daydreaming is easy because the brain processes words much faster than the speaker can say them.
4.) The difference between passive and active listening is passive is listening sufficient enough to not seem rude. It's the bare minimum and often includes excess nodding and "uh huh" to sustain the conversation. Active listening requires participation in the conversation. The listener concentrates carefully on the speaker and the mind is engaged.
5.) First and foremost the ability to hear is crucial. Second make sure that distractions aren't present.
6.) Because hey need to have no barriers in order to effectively listen.
7.) Open ended questions cannot be answered by single word responses. An example would be, "Why are you taking this class?"
8.) Close ended questions are answered with a simple answer like yes, no or maybe. An example is "Do you like this class?"
9.) The brain downtime should be used to think about the meaning of what they hear.
10.) Nonverbal cues contribute to the overall message.

Case Studies
1a.) Rick makes mistakes because he interrupts, chats, and daydreams.
2a.) Julio could try to establish effectively listening with Rick.
1b.) She is not listening effectively to the visitors and people over the phone.
2b.) Jill could avoid any distractions, preconceptions, self-absorption or daydreams.

1.) I have distractions but they can be fixed by going to a quiet environment.
2.) I tend to daydream during class, but I've started to take notes and be an active learner.
3.) I listen the most during school because I need to get as much out of the lectures as possible. Listening is key to functioning properly at my house since I get told what chores need to be done and what problems should be fixed.
4.) I would do a lot better on exams and quizes because I'd be able to retain more information that I can use.

Chapter 9
What's Up?
1.) On the way you look, your voice, and the way you dress are the basics.
2.) Standard English is the English spoken by national newscasters, actors, etc.
Dialects are sometimes called Ebonics. Variations of English that vary depending on the particular area and social groups, commonly regional.
People whose second language is English may speak Accented English.
Substandard English is spoken with poor pronunciation, enunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
3.) People switch because more people will understand your message better if you speak in Standard English.
4.) Tone can reveal what you are feeling at the time. So uneasy feelings could affect your tone and the overall message.
5.) Enunciation is the clarity with which you say words.
6.) Pronunciation refers to the clarity with which you say words.
7.) Know what you want to and not want to say before the conversation takes place that way you have somewhat of a guidance. Establishing appropriate body language, listening, letting others speak, and mirroring their speech can help.
8.) You must remove any items that blockade a clear view between the people communicating with each other. That way both people can exchange messages clearly, comfortably, and effectively.
9.) Assertiveness will get your opinion out there for consideration by the other members of the group.
10.) Think about the audience and the setting, outline your message, prepare supporting materials, and rehearse.

Case Studies
1a.) She has the ability to speak Standard English.
2a.) She may have difficulties establishing a positive rapport due to inconsistent dialects.
3a.) She can practice effective listening to make sure their Southern dialect does not get in the way of communication.
1b.) He put the phone call on a higher priority than the interviewer.
2b.) Next time he should turn off his cell phone and politely apologize to the interviewer if that happens again.

1.) I would ask for assistance with my tone and volume. I have a quiet small voice that most people would hear and assume that I am just another shy person.
2.) My friend Stormy is a very good speaker. She can get a crowd's attention by using a clear and controlling voice that catches everybody's attention. She also has a natural humorous feeling about her which sometimes boosts her speeches.
3.) My cell phone does not really affect me much. I only use it to contact my friends and to call for urgent emergencies. I don't text or call people daily so it is not a big part of my life.
4.) I know if I feel super nervous in front of a crowd that I can take a quick deep breathe to regain myself and to look at my material beforehand so I can get a better sense of what I'll be emphasizing.

Chapter 10
What's Up?
1.) They are all used to establish good human relations also known as rapport.
2.) Assertiveness is refusing assignments politely without trampling over the feelings of others.
3.) There are physiological needs: hunger and thirst, safety and security needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.
4.) People fulfilled in every aspect of their being.
5.) Each square represents known or unknown information about yourself and to others. Two people discuss each portion of the four sectioned square.
6.) Specific feedback may not demean a person, but at the same time respectfully criticize the behavior and not the personality.
7.) They reduce anxiety and protect our self-belief.
8.) Differences over facts, ideas, goals, needs, attitudes, beliefs, and personalities can cause conflict.
9.) Uncontrolled anger will either end up hurting another person or yourself.
10.) You can communicate with people that you no longer can reach physically. However, privacy may be at risk so do not put things you don't want the world to see on the internet.

Case Studies
1a.) His self actualization needs were uppermost.
2a.) His need for security, safety and esteem needs.
3a.) Because he feels threatened that he might lose his job.
1b.) Julie has not learned how to handle herself correctly in those circumstances. Hence her withdrawing from the situation as it comes along.
2b.) Mary does not give assertive and respective feedback or aide to Julie.
3b.) She was rude and possibly threatening to Julie's emotional state.
4b.) They need to give each other positive feedback that tackles the problem instead of each other.

1.) I get along with others fairly well. I would like to improve my assertiveness because I am a shy and passive person that sometimes just does not speak up.
2.) Respect for one another is important to me. While I sometimes disrespectfully treat others, I like to see them respect me, themselves, and others. Honesty and intelligence are also important to me. The least important to me is probably logic. Some logic is good, but there are bigger things.
3.) Recently I have had a conflict with my mom. It was more of a verbal argument. We both just dropped it before it got too out of control. The resolution was not achieved therefore unsuccessful.
4.) Lately I've quit all social networking sites. However a positive is you can meet old friends if they have made an account and catch up with them. On the negative side, there are a lot of potential predators that could find the personal information posted on your profile.
