Person of Interest Interview

Name of person: Norma Macias
Graduated from: Norma graduated from Fresno State.
Degrees received: She received a bachelors degree in Liberal Studies in 2003. In 2005, Macias received her Masters Degree in Counseling & Student Services. Then in 2006 she received her P.P.S. credential.
Deciding factors in choosing major: What led her to become a counselor was an internship in high school with the school's school. She realized that she liked working along with students and wanted this as her career.
Student profile as college freshmen & college senior: As a freshmen, Macias was confused about her goals and at first wanted to be an elementary school teacher. She was dedicated, however as a senior in college she had a much more vivid decision and chose counseling instead.
Opinion on students who plagiarize: Macias says that students who plagiarize should ask for help if they initially need it instead of resorting to cheating. Plagiarism is a serious matter and should not be tolerated.
What makes their life enjoyable: Family, job, traveling and trying out new restaurants are what make Macias' life enjoyable.
