Paraphrasing Assignment

1. The newborn baby sleeps throughout the majority of the day. If the baby is growing at a rapid rate, then it may need to sleep for more hours. However, the baby is not always in deep sleep, but it goes through periods of light sleep in which the baby may need attention, food, or comfort (Polan & Taylor, 2011).

2.Emergency treatment for a heatstroke is as follows: First, move the person whom had just had a heatstroke to a place with a lower temperature (for example, a shaded area); Second, remove any extra jackets, shirts, and other extra clothing from the affected person's body; Third, place any type of towel on top of the person's forehead, under arms, and so on; Lastly, use air fans in a pendulate fashion. However, if the situation calls for it, intravenous (IV) fluids can be directly put into the person's body through a vein. Also, blankets specialized for bodies with a high body temperatures may be useful in lowering the body temperature (Perry & Potter, 2001).

3.  Getting older doesn't mean that you'll get Alzheimer's Disease. However, it is known that most of those diagnosed are 65 years old or above. Surprisingly, it can appear in younger people around the ages of 40 - 50. This could worsen into full-blown Alzheimer's Disease later on in their lives (Alzheimer's Association, 2014).

4. Some females may be affected by Turner Syndrome which is caused by an abnormality in the chromosomes. Those that have Turner Syndrome generally cannot have children, having swelled up hands and feet, are shorter than most people, and have heart or kidney problems (National Human Genome Research Institute, 2013).

5. While there is no cure for Parkinson's Disease, there may be procedures that help reduce the symptoms. For example, one can undergo surgery to have a device put inside which helps with the tremors associated with Parkinson's Disease (Kelley & Swierzewski, 2000).
