Spring 2013 Schedule, Begins 14-Jan-13 Ends 11-May-13
1. COMM P101 Introduction to Speaking 3 units
30083 M W 0935-1100am CA 4 Josten M
2. MATH P055 Elementary Algebra 5 units
30227 T Th 1010-1240pm AC 117 Ruelas M
3. PHOT P104 Color Photography 3 units
30287 T Th 1250-0320pm FA 102 Chamberlain D
4. WEXP P160P On-Campus Entrepreneurl Wk Exp 1 unit
30344 M T W Th F TBA LRC Carson J
You may register during the following times
Friday, Nov 16, 2012 @ 12:00 pm
Summer 2013 Schedule
Fall 2013 Schedule
1. ANAT P110 Human Anatomy 4 units
2. CHEM P106 Intro to Chemical Principles 4 units
3. WEXP P160P On-Campus Entrepreneurl Wk Exp 1 unit
Spring 2014 Schedule
1. MICR P106 Microbiology 5 units
2. PHYL P101 Introductory Physiology 5 units