Narrative Speech

Contreras, Daniel
Speech 11:15 am
Narrative Speech
(Double spaced, 12 font, Arial)

By a show of hands, how many of you have been to Las Vegas? Come on, be honest. Okay now with another show of hands, how many of you have been to a ghost town? Well I'm probably gonna have to wait two more years to get the full Las Vegas experience; although, I have visited a full fledged legit ghost town named Bodie. It's so deserted that there's not even a ghost in sight. I know, I checked.

Even though some of us are not old enough to get the whole Las Vegas experience, well all are old enough to visit such a unique place. Next time you're thinking of a place to vacation, or heck even go to Vegas, it wouldn't be bad to venture in a ghost town. Who knows, maybe you'll find some leftover gold?

